Saturday, November 21, 2015

Saudi Arabia and ISIS; Islam and Islamism

“Essentially, Islamism is a doctrine which provides a reason to hate and kill everyone who does not subscribe to it.” – Charles Moore

This one sentence encapsulates the West’s problem! The West has fabricated a term––Islamism––to get around a problem which it has introduced into our Judaeo-Christian civilization. The problem, of course, is Islam.

There is no such thing as ‘Islamism’. Islamism is a figment of the Westerner’s imagination. No self-respecting Muslim would recognize the term. What liberal Westerners perceive as Islamism is merely the practice of Islam as it should be practised. An Islamist is a devout Muslim!

Of course, there are many peace-loving Muslims: the people that Western politicians refer to as ‘moderate’. But these people are people who do not practice their faith to the letter of Sharia law, to the letter of the Koran, to the letter of the Hadiths. They are not properly living in accordance with the Sunnah, or way of, the Prophet.

The ‘Islamic State’ is carrying out the practices of their Prophet, as does indeed Saudi Arabia. What goes on in the so-called Islamic State is not much different from what goes on in Saudi Arabia, the birthplace and home of Islam.

Saudi Arabia puts people to death for apostasy. Saudi Arabia stones women to death for adultery. Saudi Arabia beheads people in the public square. Saudi Arabia amputates people’s hands (and feet!) for theft. Etc. All these atrocities we turn a blind eye to for commercial reasons. In Saudi Arabia these punishments are state-sponsored, whereas in the Islamic State, because as yet it is only a quasi state, they are not.

We are never going to be able to defeat the “enemy within”, or without, for that matter, until intelligent people come to the realization that our enemy is not Islamism, but Islam itself. Our forefathers understood the dangers of Islam. Why can’t we?

The fact is simple: Islam is out to defeat its long-time enemy. This is a Holy War, otherwise known as the Jihad. For as long as we refuse to come to terms with this reality, the West will be in danger; and its survival will also be in danger. – © Mark Alexander

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A version of this also appeared here