Monday, June 23, 2014

Polish MPs Ridicule Cameron's 'Stupid Propaganda' Aimed at Eurosceptics

THE GUARDIAN: Secretly taped expletive-laden conversation reveals EU fallout from prime minister's plans to curb migrants' benefits access

The Polish foreign minister believes David Cameron has "fucked up" his handling of the EU by resorting to "stupid propaganda" to appease Eurosceptics, according to an expletive-laden transcript of secretly taped conversations.

Radoslaw Sikorski, who is close to many senior Tories and as an Oxford University student was a member of the Bullingdon Club at the same time as Boris Johnson, made the comments in a conversation with the former Polish finance minister Jacek Rostowski.

The conversation between the two men, printed in Monday's edition of Wprost news magazine, reveals the extent of the fallout between Poland and the UK over Cameron's proposals to change EU migrants' access to benefits.

Downing Street responded to the leaked Polish tapes by saying that the prime minister would continue to stand up for British interests and deal with the "abuse" of free movement because support for the EU in Britain is "wafer thin". » | Philip Oltermann in Berlin, Ian Traynor in Brussels and Nicholas Watt | Monday, June 23, 2014