Sunday, February 23, 2014

Daily Mail Hateful Article Angers UK Muslims

ON ISLAM: CAIRO – Leading British Muslim and interfaith organizations have signed a letter of complaint to Daily Mail’s editor Paul Dacre, condemning an article that deployed hateful Muslim stereotypes and used slurs commonly found in racist and far-right websites.

“We write to express our condemnation of a recent article published by Richard Littlejohn in your newspaper. Entitled “Jolly Jihadi’s Outing to Legoland”, Mr Littlejohn deploys the most hateful stereotypes of Muslims to attack an individual,” the letter, signed by some 25 Islamic and interfaith organizations and published by Muslim Council of Britain website, reads.

“Our condemnation is not about the attacks on Mr Haitham al-Haddad: he is perfectly capable of responding to the accusations put to him if minded to do so.

“Many of us may well disagree with the views attributed to him. Rather, we are speaking out at the insidious and hateful tropes Mr Littlejohn uses for his argument,” it added.

Muslims’ anger followed the publication of an article by columnist Richard Littlejohn.

The column, headlined Jolly jihadi boys' outing to Legoland, "deployed hateful Muslim stereotypes" and "used slurs commonly found in racist and far-right websites."

Entitled “Jolly Jihadi’s Outing to Legoland”, the article satirizes a community event that is to be held at the theme park, organized through a private group booking. » | OnIslam Staff | Sunday, February 23, 2014

ON ISLAM: Far-Rightists Threaten UK Muslims Fun Day » | OnIslam & Newspapers | Sunday, February 16, 2014