Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Geert Wilders Invites Nigel Farage to Join Anti-EU Alliance

Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen launch anti-EU alliance to slay the "monster of Brussels"

Geert Wilders has appealed to Nigel Farage to join him alongside France’s Front National in building a new international movement united on an anti-European Union programme.

The Dutch far Right leader made his plea alongside Marine Le Pen, his French equivalent, in their first joint public appearance since agreeing to fight together in European elections next year.

He urged Mr Farage, the head of Britain’s Eurosceptic Ukip party, to “join our initiative” after making what he said was a “historic” announcement of a pan-European “movement of patriots”.

The Dutch anti-Muslim and Freedom Party leader, who has previously distanced himself from far Right groups including the Front National (FN), urged the more respectable British party to ally with them, saying: “I have a lot of respect for Nigel Farage – I think he is an excellent politician who is understandably very popular in the UK.

“I understand that he is not too eager today to work with my party and the others. But let me tell you, I hope that after the elections next May that Ukip will be able to join our initiative.” » | Bruno Waterfield, Brussels | Wednesday, November 13, 2013