Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Australian Muslim Frontbencher Suffers Online Abuse After Koran Oath

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Australia’s first Muslim frontbencher, Ed Husic, has been subjected to “extreme” abuse after he chose to swore his oath of office on the Koran.

Mr Husic, a parliamentary secretary, suffered torrents of anti-Islamic attacks on social media but said he “will not jump because of harsh words in dark corners”. On his Facebook page, a series of congratulatory messages was rebuked by critics who said they were “disappointed” and feared he had abandoned the constitution in favour of Sharia law.

“Shame, Shame, Shame," wrote Ross Peace. "I am so disappointed in this government that they don't have the spine to stand up for the Australian way of life."

Another user, Steve Kerr, wrote: “You are the shame of our great nation. Australian politics has gone to the dogs, and committing the treasonous act of swearing in on the quran, you are the biggest mutt in the yard!”

Mr Husic, 43, the child of Bosnian Muslim migrants, said it was “right” for people to express their concerns but defended his decision to use the Koran for his oath. » | Jonathan Pearlman, Sydney | Tuesday, June 02, 2013