Friday, May 31, 2013

Belgians Crack Down on Preacher of Hate - As We Dash to Guard Him: Anjem Choudary Threatened with Deportation to Face Charges Over YouTube Rants

MAIL ONLINE: Belgian police keen to question hate preacher about video footage / Officers took away his wife and children to safe house after alleged threat / Far-right groups demand he is arrested or they will detain him themselves / Choudary said David Cameron has a 'crusade' against Islam / MI5 investigating links between two Woolwich murder suspects and preacher

Belgian police have launched an investigation into hate preacher Anjem Choudary’s YouTube rants, it emerged yesterday.

The married father of four, who receives an estimated £25,000 in benefits, is being probed over allegations he incited violence and threatened terrorist attacks in Britain and Belgium.

Details of the Belgian inquiry emerged days after Scotland Yard officers went to Choudary’s East London home to help his family go into hiding in the aftermath of the murder of soldier Lee Rigby.

Critics say the Metropolitan Police should concentrate on stopping his hate-filled speeches on the internet, rather than running up costs protecting his family from people furious about the atrocity in Woolwich last week.

In a new outburst unconnected to the Belgian investigation, Choudary yesterday blamed David Cameron for a ‘crusade’ against Islam which is turning young British Muslims into potential terrorists. » | Stephen Wright | Thursday, May 30, 2013