Monday, April 22, 2013

Soaring Numbers of Students Are Smoking Shisha - But It's Not a Safe Alternative to Cigarettes, Warn Experts

MAIL ONLINE: Number of people using the Middle Eastern smoking pipe has more than doubled over past five years / But new research has discovered that the pastime poses as many health risks as cigarettes / Levels of deadly carbon monoxide and carcinogenic benzene found to be double in those who used pipe

Soaring numbers of students are smoking shishas - but experts are warning that the Middle Eastern water pipe is not a safe alternative to cigarettes.

A study carried out by University of California San Francisco has found that whilst smoking a shisha exposes you to different chemicals, they are still harmful.

Research chemist Peyton Jacob said: ‘People want to know if it is a lesser health risk if they switch from cigarettes to smoking a water-pipe on a daily basis.

'We found that water-pipe smoking is not a safe alternative to cigarette smoking, nor is it likely to be an effective harm-reduction strategy.’

By measuring the levels of toxins in the blood, breath and urine after smoking, scientists found that those who smoked shisha exposed themselves to high levels of carbon monoxide - especially dangerous to those who suffer with heart or lung problems - and benzene, which has strong links to leukaemia.

The amount of bars and cafes offering the exotic pipe have rocketed in in recent years, with the number of people enjoying a smoking session increasing by 210 per cent in just half a decade.

Smoking shisha is common in many Middle Eastern countries and is growing in popularity in the UK and U.S. in particular. » | Rachel Reilly | Monday, April 22, 2013