Friday, July 13, 2012

Europe Is In More Danger Than at Any Time Since the 1930s. One Nationalist Demagogue Could Cause an Earthquake

TELEGRAPH BLOGS – THOMAS PASCOE: Ours is a complacent continent. Despite impending events that would have precipitated a revolution in almost any other place at almost any other time in history – either a collapse of the currency or the complete secession of budgetary control to a supra-natural body in the EU – we expect the fabric of European society to endure without major changes. I think we are wrong.

There is a presumption of perpetual peace in Europe which rests in turn on a presumption of the perpetuity of our existing capital structures. Once the latter are undermined, the former is called into question.

The great wars of the secular age have all been fought between ideologies which seek to restructure the relationship between capital and the people. As popular support grows for such plans, Western Europe is entering its most dangerous phase since the 1930s. » | Thomas Pascoe | Friday, July 13, 2012

My comment:

The cauldron bubbles away ever more ferociously. The witches and wizards of the City and political class look on. Some (the stupid ones) are gleeful because of their spoils, many more (the naïve ones) are clueless to correct the imbalances. The man in the street awaits the future with trepidation, helplessness, and anxiety. Bad times have already arrived for many; worse times are yet to come. The überrich are surely nervous, the poor are surely seething, those in the middle are, as always, complacent. But they smell trouble a-brewing. Upheaval is surely nigh. – © Mark

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