Sunday, May 27, 2012

No British 'Drawbridge' to Stop Greek Immigration, Says Nick Clegg

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Britain would not bring down a “drawbridge” at the borders to stop an influx of immigration if Greece exits the euro, Nick Clegg has said.

The Deputy Prime Minister condemned the idea of stopping migrants from the financially stricken country as “far-fetched”, “apocalyptic” and “deeply unhelpful”.

His remarks are likely to be seen as a challenge to Theresa May, the Home Secretary, who has revealed officials are working on the possibility of emergency border controls.

This weekend, she told The Daily Telegraph it is “right that we do some contingency planning” aimed at controlling Britain’s borders in case there is a financial collapse in Europe.

She said there was no evidence of increased migration at present, but that it was "difficult to say how it is going to develop in coming weeks".

There are growing concerns that millions of Greeks could be forced to look for work abroad if a financial collapse engulfs the country. » | Rowena Mason, Political Correspondent | Sunday, May 27, 2012