Friday, March 16, 2012

Obama and Cameron Share a Laugh... and a Love-in: Extraordinary Display of Back-slapping in Official Behind-the-scenes Pictures of Visit to U.S.

MAIL ONLINE: PM concludes three-day visit with Barack Obama by delivering controversial endorsement of four more years of his presidency

David Cameron concluded a three-day love-in with Barack Obama by comparing him with Theodore Roosevelt and delivering what was seen in the U.S. as a controversial endorsement of four more years of his presidency.

In another extraordinary series of exchanges between the two leaders, the Premier ladelled praise on Mr Obama for pressing the ‘reset button on the moral authority of the entire free world’.

In return, the President hailed Mr Cameron’s leadership and ‘commitment to dignity’, paying tribute to the way he and his wife Samantha contended with the death of their disabled son, Ivan, in 2009. » | James Chapman | Friday, March 16, 2012