Wednesday, March 07, 2012

'I Want Malia and Sasha to Be Able to Speak Their Mind in a Civil and Thoughtful Way': Obama Brings Daughters into Rush Limbaugh 'Slutgate' Furor

MAIL ONLINE: Right-wing host labelled student Sandra Fluke a 'prostitute' on the air / President Obama said he considered his own daughters before he called Sandra Fluke to offer his support / Fluke supported Obama's contraception plan when she testified before Congressional committee last week

As anger continues to swirl around syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh after referring to a law student as a 'slut,' even the president can't keep from weighing in.

The backlash against Limbaugh has intensified in recent days, as an eighth advertiser has dropped its support of his radio program and two stations have pulled the plug on it.

Limbaugh called Georgetown student Sandra Fluke a 'slut' and a 'prostitute' last week after she urged lawmakers to consider the importance of contraception coverage in health care policy.

During President Obama's press conference today at the White House, he had little to say about the controversy at first.

'I'm not going to comment on what sponsors decide to do. I'm not going to comment on either the economics or the politics of it. I don't know what's in Rush Limbaugh's heart, so I'm not going to comment on the sincerity of his apology.'

But he said that he was compelled to offer his support to Fluke after considering his own children, daughters Malia, 13, and Sasha, 10.

Obama said: 'The reason I called Ms Fluke is because I thought about Malia and Sasha, and one of the things I want them to do as they get older is to engage in issues they care about, even ones I may not agree with them on'. » | Laura Cox and Thomas Durante | Tuesday, March 06, 2012

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