Thursday, February 23, 2012

Google Chief Eric Schmidt 'Selling $1.5billion in Google Shares So He Can Divorce His Wife after Lengthy Extramarital Affair'

MAIL ONLINE: Billionaire Schmidt has been stepping out with Lisa Shields, 46

He reportedly cheated on his wife with at least three other women.

But now Eric Schmidt’s infidelity could cost him dearly amid claims he is heading for a divorce costing up to $1.5billion - the second most expensive in history.

The Google executive chairman is planning to sell 2.4million of his shares in the company to help pay for his split with wife Wendy as he continues a year and half long liaison with Manhattan beauty Lisa Shields.

Schmidt is looking towards a ‘transition and an amicable separation and settlement’ with the mother of his two children, but needs the extra cash to pay for it according to the New York Post.

If it all goes to his wife it would mean Schmidt, the 136th richest man in the world, would be giving away a quarter of his $6.2billion fortune to Wendy, to whom he has been married for 13 years. » | Daniel Bates | Thursday, February 23, 2012