Thursday, October 06, 2011

Steve Jobs, Architect of Apple, Dies

THE BOSTON GLOBE: Steve Jobs, the demanding visionary who understood before anyone else how deeply we would live our lives through our devices, died today at the age of 56, only weeks after resigning as chief executive of computer giant Apple Inc. as he battled pancreatic cancer.

“The world has lost an amazing human being,” wrote Apple chief executive Tim Cook in a message to employees. “Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.”

Jobs was “among the greatest of American innovators,” said President Obama in a statement posted on the White House blog. “There may be no greater tribute to Steve’s success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented.”

Jobs revitalized Apple by transforming smartphones, computers, and media players into objects of desire. He insisted the company put the human experience first, focusing on design as well as technological prowess. Fifteen years ago, Apple flirted with bankruptcy; today, it is one of the most successful companies on earth.

Jobs’s rival, Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates, issued a statement saying, “The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had.”

Gates closed his statement by writing, “I will miss Steve immensely.” » | Hiawatha Bray | Globe Staff | Thursday, October 06, 2011

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LE FIGARO: «L'Amérique a perdu un génie» : «Un visionnaire», «un génie dont on se souviendra comme d'Edison et d'Einstein»: les hommages de grands patrons, d'hommes politiques et de milliers de fans d'Apple pleuvent après l'annonce de la disparition de Steve Jobs. » | Par Mathilde Golla, Chloé Woitier | Jeudi 06 Octobre 2011

LE FIGARO: Steve Jobs, le culte de la perfection : Le patron d'Apple, décédé mercredi à l'âge de 56 ans, a guidé son entreprise vers les sommets grâce à une gestion particulièrement stricte de ses équipes. » | Par Benjamin Ferran | Jeudi 06 Octobre 2011

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Steve Jobs ist tot: Der Tod des Apple-Mitbegründers Steve Jobs hat Trauer und Bestürzung ausgelöst. Der Computer-Visionär starb am Mittwoch im Alter von 56 Jahren. Er hinterlässt seine Frau und vier Kinder. » | Roland Lindner | New York | Donnerstag 06. Oktober 2011

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: „Leider ist der Tag gekommen“ : Steve Jobs tritt als Apple-Chef zurück. Gebannt blicken wir auf das abwechslungsreiche Leben des Apple-Gründers und fragen: Wird man schon zum Genie geboren? » | Von Hendrik Ankenbrand | Donnerstag 06. Oktober 2011

Steve Jobs: His Life and Career

Technology editor Charles Arthur looks back at the career of the driving force behind Apple, Steve Jobs. He was the single-minded visionary who revolutionised three industries: computers, film and music.

Jobs simplified complicated things by making the customer's needs paramount, bringing cutting edge technology into globally popular consumer products

THE GUARDIAN: Steve Jobs obituary: Computing entrepreneur and inventor, and the co-founder, chairman and recognisable face of Apple » | Jack Schofield | Thursday, October 06, 2011