Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Royal Family: Cameron Begins Process to Allow First Born Daughters to Accede Throne

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: David Cameron has formally begun the process that could allow a first born daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to accede to the throne.

He has written to the prime ministers of Commonwealth countries outlining how he wants to change laws dating back centuries, but which are now discriminatory.

In the letter, Mr Cameron says it is “an anomaly” and goes against “gender equality” that women have to take their place behind younger royal males in the line of succession.

He writes: “In the UK, we have found it increasingly difficult to continue to justify two particular aspects of the present rules on the succession to the Crown.

“The first is the rule which says that an elder daughter should take a place in the line of succession behind a younger son. We espouse gender equality in all other aspects of life, and it is an anomaly that in the rules relating to the highest public office we continue to enshrine male superiority.”

Mr Cameron told MPs that he wants to change the rules. As well as ending male primogeniture, the Prime Minister hopes to open the way for members of the Royal Family who marry a Roman Catholic being able to succeed to the Crown. » | Andrew Porter, Political Editor | Wednesday, October 12, 2011

As Cameron is in favour of gay marriage, is he going to get legislation changed so that any gay children of a future monarch can also accede the throne? I mean, Cameron is changing every tradition in sight, so he might as well go the whole hog. This country is finished for anyway. The next thing we'll hear is that a prince has fallen for a Muslimahburqa-clad, of course – and the prince will have to embrace Islam before marriage. Will this mean, then, that the monarchy will cease to be a Christian monarchy at all? Is Cameron far-seeing enough, I wonder? – © Mark

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