Monday, October 31, 2011

Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy On Stroll with Baby Giulia

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Giulia Sarkozy, France's 'First Baby' enjoyed a stroll with her famous parents on Monday morning.

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, her husband Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, and Giulia went for a stroll on the grounds of the presidential residence – 'La Lanterne' park in Versailles.

French photographers caught a brief glimpse of Giulia in October when her former-supermodel mother whisked her away from the Muette Clinic in Paris where she gave birth.

This was the first time however that she had been pictured with both mother and her father, 56, who kept a protective arm round his wife.

Mrs Bruni-Sarkozy made sure to cover up her baby, after announcing earlier this year: "I will never show photos of this child. I will never expose this child".

The French first lady, 43, who is seen as somewhat of a limelight chaser, added: "I will do everything to protect this infant, and I'll be absolutely rigorous." » | Monday, October 31, 2011 Nicolas Sarkozy et Carla Bruni: première sortie avec bébé – Une semaine après la naissance de la petite Giulia, Nicolas Sarkozy et Carla Bruni ont effectué leur première sortie à l’extérieur sous l’œil des photographes. » | par Laure Costey | lundi 31 octobre 2011