Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tony Blair’s Sister [-in-law] Converts to Islam, Calls for the Destruction of Israel

BELIEFNET NEWS: Laura Booth, sister-in-law of former British prime minister Tony Blair, has called on Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt to invade Israel.

No stranger to Middle Eastern politics, she sailed to Gaza in the flotilla protest.

At a rally in London Trafalgar’s Square, she proclaimed “We say here today to you, Israel, we see your crimes and we loathe your crimes. And to us your nation does not exist, because it is a criminal injustice against humanity. We want to see Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt go to the borders and stop this now.”

She recently has converted to Islam. She now covers her head with a hijab or scarf when she leaves home, has given up alcohol and visits a mosque when she can.

The 43-year-old mother of two says she had a religious awakening during a visit to a shrine in the Iranian holy city of Qom. » | Rob Kerby, Senior Editor | Friday, September 2, 2011