Thursday, September 08, 2011

There Was No Easter Message from Obama, Yet He Marks All Important Muslim Holidays

The most sacred of all Christian holidays, Barack Obama failed to send an Easter message to the American people.

Nor did they receive a message on Good Friday, a day that many Christians look upon as the most bittersweet of all the days on the Christian calendar.

But rest assured, Dear Leader found time during 2010 to release statements during the major Muslim holidays of Ramadan, Eid-ul-Fitr, Hajj, and Eid-ul-Adha.

There was also an eight-paragraph press release celebrating Earth Day.

But in all fairness, Obama did release an Easter message last year. A message that figuratively scrubbed Jesus out of the historical moment he cited.

According to the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, 78.5% of Americans identify themselves as Christians, whereas only 0.6% identify themselves as Muslims.

We find it particularly interesting that President Awesome stated at the National Prayer Breakfast this past February; "My Christian faith has been sustaining for me over the last couple of years and even more so when Michelle and I hear our faith questioned from time to time."

Yeah... right.

We don't expect our president to be some kind of American Pope, but we do expect a modicum of fairness.

Oh... and it would be nice to knock off the blatant and purposeful insults and cold-shoulders to Christ and His Church.