Saturday, September 17, 2011

State Bill Introduced to Ban Shari’a-Islamic, Other Forms of Foreign Law

CENTRAL MICHIGAN LIFE: A state lawmaker’s proposed bill that would ban the use of foreign laws in the Michigan court system is an example of Islamophobia, said one Central Michigan University professor.

Shari’a, a set of religious guidelines for Muslims that include aspects of their personal life, family relationships and religious practices, would be prohibited from being recognized in courts according to a bill proposed by State Rep. Dave Agema, R-Grandville.

Courts consult Shari’a law just as they have often consulted Jewish law, called Halakha, said Hugh Talat Halman, assistant professor of philosophy and religion.

The bill does not say anything specifically about Shari’a-Islamic law, but it would be prohibited in Michigan courts if the law were passed, along with Jewish law and any other form foreign law.

“The bill is against foreign law that goes against constitutional, federal and state laws,” Agema said. “It’s very simple and it does not go against one particular group or another.” » | Jordan Spence | Friday, September 16, 2011