Saturday, June 11, 2011

US Calls on Syria to End 'Outrageous' Violence

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The United States has toughened its stance on Syria, calling for an "immediate end to brutality and violence" and warning President Bashar al-Assad he is leading his nation on a "dangerous path."

White House spokesman Jay Carney issued a statement after Syrian forces killed at least 25 people in nationwide democracy protests and helicopters, tanks and troops opened fire on protesters in the northern town of Jisr al-Shughour.

"The United States strongly condemns the Syrian government's outrageous use of violence across Syria today and particularly in the northwestern region," he said.

"There must be an immediate end to the brutality and violence."

The statement contained a clear sign of Washington's growing impatience over Syria after top officials had repeatedly called for Assad to embrace reform or get out of the way – but stopped short of demanding his departure.

"Earlier this week, we urged the Syrian government to exercise maximum restraint and not to respond to its own reported losses through additional civilian casualties," Mr Carney added. "The Syrian government is leading Syria on a dangerous path. » | Alastair Jamieson | Saturday, June 11, 2011