Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Brief Comment Appeared Briefly

When this blog was set up many years ago, a person was given permission to write on it. Until today, he has never written anything on the blog. But some ten or so minutes ago, I noticed that he had written his opinion on DSK. I was rather shocked to see it there, for his opinion does not reflect my own. I am keeping an open mind on the matter. He, by contrast, appears to have made up his mind already.

I had forgotten that this person had permission to write here, and when I had remembered about it in the past, out of a courtesy to him, I allowed the name to stay there as a contributor for old times’ sake.

However, without intending to be discourteous to the man, I do not feel comfortable with others contributing to this site, especially when I have not read what has been written before it is published. There are legalities to consider. This is not America. We do not enjoy the First Amendment rights that our brothers in America do. Therefore, we as Brits have to be more circumspect.

I wish to be in full control of what is published on this website for this reason, and for other reasons also. I therefore must apologise to my readers for this interruption in the normal flow of posts. I must also apologise to the contributor for removing his post. I trust he will understand why I have done this.

As I am writing this now, I should like to add something else, something totally irrelevant to this matter. I should like to inform my visotors that I am unable to make up any new labels for each post I put up. This is because I have reached the maximum allowed. Therefore, when a new story breaks, I am unable to use new labels. If a suitable label is not in the bank of labels I have, I have to find a way around it. So if you think it is strange that I don’t make up a label for DSK, for example, this is why. I cannot.

This happened because when we started blogging, we were not told that there was a limit to the number of labels one could use. The limit was enforced a long time later. Had I known that a limit would be enforced at some point, I’d have been rather more sparing in my use of labels from the start. Alas, this wasn’t so.

So now, the only way I can free up space for new labels is by deleting unwanted old ones. I have spent many, many hours doing this, but I haven’t yet made a dent in them. Believe me, it is a laborious task.

Kind regards,
