SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE: What do Barack Obama and Muammar Gaddafi have in common? If you guessed that they're both Muslims, go to the front of the Tea Party.
Their real commonality is that neither got invited to Prince William's and Kate Middleton's royal wedding.
I can understand Ghaddafi's exclusion - probably bad form to have a guy in your party who's killing his own people. Besides, his wardrobe would clash with anything they'd wear.
Plus he's pretty busy right now defying NATO and Anderson Cooper and most likely couldn't make it anyway.
But what's with the President of the United States? He's in the rejected category along with Fergie, the Weight Watching Duchess of York.
Michelle Obama even said a few weeks ago on "Live With Regis and Kelly" that, "if I get invited, I'll go," as close to begging as this regal First Lady gets. And who, including the world's most powerful husband, has said "no" to her lately?
This is a snub of epic proportions. We should impose a no-Richard-Branson-zone over the U.S. in protest.
The other night in his Libya speech, Obama said, "Born, as we are, out of a revolution by those who longed to be free..." You think that was a coincidence? That's you he was smack-talking, rude and exclusive England! Continue reading and comment » | Phil Bronstein | Friday, April 01, 2011
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