Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Libyan Rebels Scoff at Idea of Gadhafi's Son Taking Over

CNN: Tripoli, Libya -- With no end to Libya's bloody war in sight, a source close to the country's leadership said a Libyan envoy is floating the idea of ruler Moammar Gadhafi passing his power to a son -- a notion rebel leaders deem merely cosmetic.

Under the proposal, Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, 38, would help to usher in swift reform, the source said. But Saif Gadhafi has become one of his father's most outspoken defenders since the start of the unrest, despite once being perceived as a leading reformer in the Libyan government.

But a proposal to shift power from Gadhafi to his second-oldest son is "a ridiculous offer," said Ali Aujali, a former Libyan ambassador to the United States who now represents the Libyan opposition in Washington.

"Libyan people, they decided, and they will not go back at all (to) Gadhafi or any member of his family," Aujali said. "His sons, they are killers -- they're just like their father."

Aujali said the rebels are willing to offer Moammar Gadhafi and his family safe passage out of Libya in an exchange for an end to the fighting -- but that's as far as their offer goes. » | CNN Wire Staff | Tuesday, April 05, 2011

FRANFURTER ALLGEMEINE – DER KOMMENTAR: Gaddafis Manöver: Gaddafis Versuch, über Verhandlungen sein Gesicht zu retten, ist zum Scheitern verurteilt. Schließlich ist die Gegenregierung im Aufwind: Ein französischer Diplomat wurde bereits in Benghasi akkreditiert, Qatar hat die Übergangsregierung anerkannt. » | Von Wolfgang Günter Lerch | Montag, 04. April 2011