Saturday, February 12, 2011

Arrest Warrant for Pervez Musharraf Issued by Pakistani Court

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: A court in Pakistan has issued an arrest warrant for Pervez Musharraf, the former military ruler, in connection with the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.

Prosecutors claim he was aware that Taliban extremists planned to kill the former prime minister but that he failed to stop her murder in Rawalpindi.

The warrant could end his plans to return to Pakistan to contest elections.

Mr Musharraf has lived in London ever since being forced from power in 2008, months after Mrs Bhutto was killed in a bomb and gun attack as she left an election rally.

On Saturday, his spokesman said he had no intention of returning to face court and that the warrant was politically motivated.

"How can the president of a country be made responsible for the non-provision of security? It's totally ridiculous, you cannot pin criminal responsibility on a president for that," said Fawad Chaudhry. >>> Rob Crilly in Islamabad | Saturday, February 12, 2011

SCHWEIZER FERNSEHEN: Haftbefehl gegen Pakistans Ex-Präsident Musharraf erlassen: Drei Jahre nach dem tödlichen Anschlag auf die frühere pakistanische Regierungschefin Benazir Bhutto ist gegen den damaligen Präsidenten Pervez Musharraf wegen mutmasslicher Verstrickung in den Fall Haftbefehl erlassen worden. >>> sda/godc | Samstag, 12. Februar 2011