Monday, January 24, 2011

Interfaith Dialogue

Mr. Moore: There is no dialogue to be with this religion! How can one enter into dialogue with adherents of a 'religion' that believe they are the superior ones, God's (sorry Allah's) chosen people? How can one enter into a dialogue with Muslims when they have an unshakeable belief that their religion was revealed to them (to a prophet we are not even supposed to recognise) as the perfection of religion for man for all time? How can one enter into a dialogue with Muslims when they fail to understand the triune nature of God? (The Trinity, to a Muslim, is proof positive that we are all polytheists.) How can one enter into a dialogue with adherents of a faith that believe the world is divided into two: Dar ul Islam, the 'House of Islam', and Dar ul Harb, the 'House of War', and who further believe that there will be no peace until the latter has been absorbed into the former? How can one enter into a dialogue with people who are convinced that the Holy Bible has been falsified and changed over the centuries? How does one enter into a dialogue with the adherents of a faith which denies the most important aspect of our faith, namely that Jesus Christ died on the cross to save us, when they don't believe that he even died on the cross?

Need I go on?

The fact of the matter is this: We are in a hole with Islam. We have got ourselves into a fix we know not how to get out of. The first thing we need to do is recognise this fact. For truly, it will be the starting point to finding a solution. At present, the West is in denial of the huge problem it has brought upon itself. Denial will provide NO SOLUTIONS. – © Mark [My comment appears here] | Monday, January 24, 2011

The comment was a response to Mr. Charles Moore's article in The Daily Telegraph