Thursday, January 27, 2011

Good on Ya, Mr. Cable! Good on Ya!

MAIL ONLINE: Business Secretary Vince Cable today had a remarkable dig at bankers with a sick gag about one being mown down by a disgruntled driver.

In an astonishing joke with reporters he suggested a motorist would not slow down to avoid a financial services worker in the road.

The Liberal Democrat cabinet minister has been a fierce critic of bankers and has advocated taking a 'very strong approach' to beating down their bonuses.

But his gag shared with reporters at a Westminster Press Gallery lunch today, went 'too far', critics said.

He asked what the difference was between a cat being found dead on a motorway and a banker being found dead.

'There were skid marks around the cat,' said Mr Cable. Vince Cable jokes over bankers being 'mown down on motorways' >>> Daily Mail Reporter | Thursday, January 27, 2011