Monday, October 25, 2010

Democratic Hopeful Tells Obama to 'Shove It'

THE TELEGRAPH: The Democratic candidate for governor in Rhode Island said on Monday that President Barack Obama can "shove it" for withholding his endorsement in elections just eight days away.

Frank Caprio is the Democratic candidate for governor in Rhode Island. Photo: The Daily Telegraph

"He can take his endorsement and really shove it, as far as I'm concerned," Frank Caprio told local WPRO-AM radio, even as Mr Obama was due to visit the small east coast state for two Democratic party fund-raisers and a visit to a factory.

Mr Caprio was running against Republican John Robitaille as well as former Republican Lincoln Chafee, an independent who backed Mr Obama's 2008 presidential bid, in the November 2 ballot.

"I've never asked President Obama for his endorsement. And what's going on here is really Washington insider politics at its worst," complained Mr Caprio.

"What I'm saying to President Obama very clearly is, I'll wear as a badge of honour and a badge of courage that he doesn't want to endorse me as a Democrat, because I am a different kind of Democrat," he told the station. >>> | Monday, October 25, 2010