In response to pastor Terry Jones’s threat to burn the Quran on Saturday 11th of September 2010, Muslims around the world will be burning the greatest symbol of disbelief today the American flag.
9/11 has come to symbolise the struggle between truth and falsehood, the Shari’ah and man-made law and submission to God and liberal democracy. This war is manifested on all levels, militarily, ideologically, socially and even economically.
On the anniversary of 9/11, we recall the crusader animosity towards Islam and Muslims epitomised by the burning of the Quran, which is intended to attack Islam and humiliate Muslims. We call upon Muslims around the world to rise up and defend Islam, the Muslims and the Quran. Let us call for the Shari’ah to be implemented wherever we are and the regimes such as those in the Muslim countries which never rise a finger to defend the Muslims to be removed. Let this anniversary be a wake-up call for all Muslims that there are two camps in the world today. The greatest symbol of the camp of truth is the Quran and the greatest symbol of the camp of falsehood is the American flag. Indeed one of the many names of the Quran is Al Furqan(the distinguisher).
It is the wish of the Americans and their allies to extinguish the light of Allah but Allah has promised victory to the Muslims and Islam will dominate.” [Source: Weasel Zippers] Posted by ZIP | Friday, September 10, 2010
HT: Weasel Zippers >>>