Thursday, September 02, 2010

Tony Blair’s Revenge on Gordon Brown Puts Labour on Brink of Civil War

THE TELEGRAPH: The ferocity of Tony Blair's attack on Gordon Brown threatens to plunge Labour into a fresh civil war and send the party into the electoral wilderness.

The revelations in Blair's book could cause civil war in the Labour Party. The Telegraph

Published on the day Labour members received their leadership ballot papers, the former prime minister's detailed and sustained criticism of Mr Brown in his memoir was greeted with dismay and astonishment by senior figures in the party.

They said it risked reopening the wounds that scarred the New Labour era and could be "very, very damaging" as the party tried to move on from a general election defeat.

Figures close to Mr Brown accused Mr Blair of being "delusional" and warned that the book could unleash a course of "mutual destruction" and dominate the current leadership election. >>> Andrew Porter, James Kirkup and Robert Winnett | Wednesday, September 01, 2010