Sunday, August 08, 2010

France's Interior Minister Targets Immigrants Who Practise Polygamy

THE TELEGRAPH: France's lurch to the right * continued after Brice Hortefeux, the country's interior minister, called for immigrants who practise polygamy or female genital mutilation to have their citizenship withdrawn.

French Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux. Photo: The Telegraph

Mr Hortefeux said there were "possibilities to have nationality withdrawn in the case of polygamy, genital mutilation and serious wrongdoing." In all cases the radical punishment would not just apply to immigrants, but also to those who have a foreign background, even if they were born in France.

It follows President Nicolas Sarkozy calling for all foreigners who attack police in the kind of riots which blighted Muslim housing estates earlier this month to also lose their nationality. >>> Peter Allen in Paris | Sunday, August 08, 2010

* What on earth is "right wing" about this? To me, it just seems like common sense. What IS 'The Telegraph' talking about? More of this is what we need. The UK should follow suit. Is 'The Telegraph' implying that standing up for one's own values is a "lurch to the right". If so, it is talking total bloody nonsense! – © Mark