Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Spanish Lawmakers Reject Plan for Burqa Ban Study

REUTERS: MADRID - A proposal for a study of a ban on full-length Islamic veils in public places was thrown out by the Spanish parliament on Tuesday, weeks after France and Belgium outlawed the wearing of the garments.

The conservative opposition Popular Party had submitted a resolution asking the Socialist government to study prohibiting the veils, known as burqas or niqabs, which cover the face and body and are worn by some Muslim women.

It was rejected by a margin of 21 votes in the 350-seat lower house. Even if it had been approved it would not have been binding on the Socialist government.

Opponents of a ban say it will harm democracy and violate religious rights while supporters say it is a matter of national security and of adaptation to local customs.

PP legislator Soraya Saenz de Santamaria said banning the veil would restore dignity and identity to women.

"How can our soldiers be fighting in Afghanistan for the liberty of these women while the government has no courage to defend them here?" she said.

Women's and Muslim groups say only a handful of women in Spain wear the niqab, which reveals only the eyes, and perhaps none use the burqa, which has a screen over the eyes. >>> Alice Tozer | Tuesday, July 20, 2010

NZZ ONLINE: Spanisches Parlament will kein Burka-Verbot: Regierende Sozialisten lehnen Initiative der Opposition ab >>> | Dienstag, 20. Juli 2010

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