Tuesday, July 27, 2010

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Saudi Cleric: OK for Women to Show Face in France

SALON.COM: Influential Sheikh Ayedh al-Garni slams the proposed burqa ban, but gives Muslims permission to obey it

This weekend brought news for Muslim women in France: They are allowed to go out in public without a full veil. You might wonder how exactly this is news, seeing as the country's recent push for a burqa ban is all about forcing women to go unveiled in public -- but the pronouncement didn't come from the French government but rather an influential Saudi cleric.

Sheikh Ayedh al-Garni spoke out against the proposed ban, calling it "illogical and unreasonable," but conceded: "In case a ban is enforced against a Muslim woman there -- and as a consequence there is a reaction or negative implications or harassment or harm -- it is better for the Muslim woman to reveal her face." It isn't the most generous fatwa, considering that if the French law passes, they won't have much of a choice, regardless. >>> Tracy Clark-Flory | Monday, July 26, 2010