THE TELEGRAPH: Is broadband a human right? The Finnish government thinks so. From today, all Finns have the right to at least a one megabit-per-second internet connection. That’s not staggeringly fast. The UK average internet speed, for example, is around 3.6mbps.
However, by 2015, the Finnish government is promising its people blazingly fast 100mbps connections. That leaves our government’s commitment to speeds of 2mbps for all by 2012 looking rather mediocre.
Almost the entire Finnish population is online – 96 per cent of them, in fact. Granted there are only 5.3 million people in Finland – fewer than live in London – but given that their country is one of Europe’s most sparsely-populated, managing to connect such a huge proportion is quite impressive. Continue reading and comment >>> Shane Richmond | Thursday, July 01, 2010