Monday, June 28, 2010

The Golfing President

MAIL ONLINE: Barack Obama has been criticised for continuing to play golf while oil spills into the Gulf of Mexico.

He has played at least seven times since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on April 20, creating America’s biggest environmental disaster.

Having already racked up 39 games since taking office, Mr Obama is approaching the record as the U.S. President spending the most time on the golf course.

Republican Party chairman Michael Steele has called on the President to stop playing until the oil leak has been curbed.

Steele said he was outraged ‘that President Obama finds himself on yet another golf course as oil continues to spew into the Gulf’.

Democrat Senator Bill Nelson said Mr Obama needs to have a ‘higher command and control operation’. You're playing too much golf during oil spill, Barack Obama is told >>> Daily Mail Reporter | Monday, June 28, 2010