Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Name Is Clive, and I Used to Be an Organoholic . . . But I'm All Right Now

THE TELEGRAPH: After years of chemical-free eating, Clive Aslet admits that he has given up organic produce in favour of cheaper, local and even (whisper it) intensively reared food.

Oh dear, what a world we live in. I don't know what to make of it. Just as I am getting used to a (partially) Tory government declaring war on the middle classes with its proposal to increase capital-gains tax, along comes disturbing evidence that a cherished totem of the better sort of shopper may be toppled. It is not the government that is doing the toppling this time, but birds. Researchers from Newcastle University have found that, given a choice, our feathered friends will reject organic bird seed in favour of the conventional equivalent. They're not fools (the birds, that is). Their beady eyes have spotted that conventional grains contain 10 per cent more protein. Whisper it: organic is not all it's cracked up to be. Read on and comment >>> Clive Aslet | Thursday, May 20, 2010