Wednesday, May 12, 2010

‘I Hope It’s the Start of the New Politics I’ve Always Believed In’

TIMES ONLINE: Nick Clegg was granted overwhelming approval from his party last night to embark upon a “new type of politics” and take them into government.

The leader, whose appointment as Deputy Prime Minister had been approved by the Queen earlier, secured near-unanimous approval for the coalition with the Conservatives from his parliamentary party and its federal executive at a late-night meeting.

The meeting broke up after midnight and he addressed the country about 20 minutes later.

Mr Clegg attempted to reassure the party’s voters — nervous about a formal tie-up with a Conservative Party that days ago they were fighting against — that he was convinced that this was a unique opportunity. “There will of course be problems, there will of course be glitches,” he said. “But I will always do my best to prove that new politics is not only possible, it is better.”

He said that the alliance with the Tories would lead to “fair taxes, a fair start for every child” as well as reforms to a discredited banking system, green, sustainable growth to the economy and “a new, open politics”. >>> David Sanderson | Wednesday, May 12, 2010