Tuesday, April 06, 2010

An End to the Worst Thirteen Years in British Politics in Sight! General Election 2010: Gordon Brown and David Cameron Set Stage for May 6 Poll

THE TELEGRAPH: Gordon Brown has called the General Election for May 6 and launched his campaign by calling for a ‘mandate’ to restore the trust between voters and the politicians elected to represent them.

The Prime Minister put the economy at the heart of the campaign by urging the electorate not to risk the recovery by voting for the Conservatives.

Standing in front of his Cabinet, he said: “Britain is on the road to recovery and nothing we do should put that recovery at risk.

"Over the next few weeks I will go round the country - the length and breadth of our land - and I will take to the people a very straightforward and clear message. Britain is on the road to recovery and nothing we do should put that recovery at risk.

"Get the big decisions right - as we did in the last 18 months since the world recession - and jobs, prosperity and better standards of living will result.

"Get the big decisions wrong and the lives of hundreds of thousands of people are diminished as a result."

Disclosing the “worst-kept secret” in politics, Mr Brown confirmed that the General Election would take place on May 6. >>> Rosa Prince, Political Correspondent | Tuesday, April 06, 2010