Saturday, March 06, 2010

U.S. Anglicans Converting en masse to Catholicism

MAIL ONLINE: About 100 traditionalist Anglican parishes across the United States have decided to convert en masse to the Roman Catholic Church, it emerged yesterday.

They have voted to take up the offer made by Pope Benedict XVI in November that permits vicars and their entire congregations to defect to Rome - while keeping many of their Anglican traditions, including married priests.

The Pope had been accused of attempting to poach Anglicans unhappy about decisions taken in their church to ordain women and sexually-active homosexuals as priests and bishops.

But the Vatican insisted that the move to create self-governing 'personal ordinariates' came as a result of requests from at least 30 disaffected Anglican bishops around the world.

The Anglican Church in America will now enter the Catholic Church as a block, bringing in thousands of converts along with their own bishops, buildings and even a cathedral. >>> | Saturday, March 06, 2010