THE TELEGRAPH: Nicolas Sarkozy, the French President, has angrily rebuked a journalist for asking about rumours surrounding his marriage to Carla Bruni.
At a joint Downing Street press conference with Gordon Brown, Mr Sarkozy was twice pressed on the recent flurry of speculation that his marriage was in trouble.
He snapped at a French journalist who raised the subject calling his question idiotic.
Mr Sarkozy’s irritation was plain when he responded to the first question.
He told the journalist: "You must know very little about what the President of the Republic actually has to do all day long. I certainly don't have time to deal with these ridiculous rumours, not even half a fraction of a second.
"I don't even know why you use your speaking time to put such an idiotic question." >>> Andrew Porter, Political Editor | Friday, March 12, 2010
This reply, Mr President, was most unconvincing! No time to deal with such "ridiculous rumours" indeed! You had time for courting Carla, though; so why should we believe that you have absolutely no time to find out what's being said and tweeted about your marriage? By the way, M. le président, that photo of you is most unbecoming. You look as though you're clutching a broomstick for dear life at take-off! – © Mark