Friday, February 19, 2010

Uproar in France Over Muslim 'Kosher' Burgers

YNET NEWS: Local Quick fast food chain starts using halal meat only, slaughtered according to Sharia law, in eight of its branches located in large Muslim population centers. French officials protest step, warn of cultural isolationism, discrimination

PARIS – The French campaign against American junk food has been going on for years based on the argument that Americanization best represented by McDonalds destroys traditional French culture.

However, it was the local Quick burger chain that suffered criticism this week. The fast food chain has started serving only beef slaughtered according to Muslim Sharia law - halal meat - in eight of its branches across France. Pork has been removed from the menu and replaced with smoked turkey. The braches [sic] are located in the outskirts of Paris, Marseille and the northern town of Roubaix - all areas containing large concentrations of North-African immigrants.

Quick's management claimed in its defense that the decision was purely financial and had nothing to do with religious considerations. It further stressed that the step was an experimental one, to be reviewed in six months.

The Muslim food market in France is constantly expanding and according to marketing estimates will be worth €5.5 billion by the end of 2010. >>> Gilad Halpern | Friday, February 19, 2010