Friday, February 12, 2010

Carey Attacks Judges After Nadia Eweida Loses BA Crucifix Case

TIMES ONLINE: A Christian has lost her appeal against a ruling that British Airways did not discriminate her by banning her from wearing a visible cross at work.

The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, immediately condemned the decision by three Court of Appeal judges against Nadia Eweida and warned that it would lead to more cases of religious discrimination.

Ms Eweida, 58, from Twickenham, southwest London, went to the Court of Appeal to try to overturn a decision by the Employment Appeal Tribunal that she was not a victim of indirect religion or belief discrimination.

But today Lord Justice Sedley said that her case of indirect discrimination was defeated by BA’s case that its actions were justified. >>> Frances Gibb, Legal Editor | Friday, February 12, 2010