Saturday, January 09, 2010

Police Quell Immigrant Riots in Italy

THE TELEGRAPH: Police reinforcements were urgently sent to southern Italy after African migrant workers armed with rocks and metal poles fought pitch battles with locals in a protest over appalling living conditions and alleged racism.

A group of immigrants living in Rosarno, take part in a protest demonstration in Rosarno, Italy. Photo: The Telegraph

Nearly 70 people, including 30 immigrants, 19 policemen and 17 Italians were injured in the clashes, which started on Thursday after two Africans – from Togo and Nigeria – were shot at with air rifles by locals.

The shooting set off two nights of rioting in the town of Rosarno in the southern Calabria region, with immigrants saying they were sick of being treated like "animals", living in squalid conditions and being paid rock bottom wages for picking fruit and vegetables.

On Thursday, hundreds of immigrants, most of them from sub-Saharan Africa, staged an angry demonstration against the shooting, setting fire to cars and rubbish bins, smashing shop windows and throwing rocks at police.

They carried placards which read "We are not animals" and "Italians are racist".

Locals retaliated on Friday, beating immigrants with iron bars and trying to run them over with cars and, in one case, a bulldozer. >>> Nick Squires in Rome | Saturday, January 09, 2010

Italie : Révolte immigrée en Calabre

Crédits photo : Le Temps

LE TEMPS: Des centaines d’Africains ont protesté violemment contre l’exploitation dont ils font l’objet dans cette région gangrenée par la mafia. Jeudi soir, les affrontements ont fait 34 blessés, dont 18 policiers

Victimes d’exploitation, de vexations et de provocations, des centaines d’immigrés africains, le plus souvent clandestins, ont provoqué depuis jeudi une véritable émeute dans la petite ville calabraise de Rosarno, au sud de l’Italie. Vivant depuis des années des conditions d’habitat et d’hygiène terribles, travaillant dans les champs d’agrumes jusqu’à quatorze heures par jour pour une vingtaine d’euros, ils ont bloqué et saccagé une partie de la commune et se sont très violemment affrontés aux forces de l’ordre, après avoir été une nouvelle fois l’objet d’intimidations. Arme à air comprimé >>> Eric Jozsef | Samedi 09 Janvier 2010