Sunday, January 10, 2010

Don’t you just love that stupid-looking woolly cap? Photo: Mail Online

War March Fanatic Anjem Choudary Runs Secret Sharia ‘Weddings’

MAIL ONLINE: The Muslim extremist planning a march through Wootton Bassett runs a secret sharia court where he marries hundreds of couples – then tells them not to register their weddings.

Anjem Choudary tells them that registering their marriages is forbidden in Islam, as it would be recognition of British law.

But critics said he was leaving women open to abuse, as they could not go to a normal court to escape a violent husband or win their share in a divorce.

Mr Choudary’s Islam 4 UK group wants to carry 500 coffins through the Wiltshire town to remember Afghans killed by Britain and America.

He styles himself the judge of the UK Sharia Court and principal lecturer of the London School of Sharia and has claimed that he runs a network of Islamic courts in London, Luton, Birmingham, Derby and Leicester.

He claims that he has married more than 1,800 couples across Britain in less than ten years and conducted hundreds of divorces. >>> Abdul Taher | Saturday, January 09, 2010