Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Christmas Incident Was "Screw Up" - Obama Said

If Obama can’t speak better than this, he needs to go back to school! A “screw-up” indeed! This is mall-speak, and we expect better than mall-speak from the President of the United States of America. – © Mark

REUTERS: WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama told his security chiefs on Tuesday that the botched Christmas Day plane bombing was the result of a screw up by U.S. intelligence and that the country had barely dodged disaster, according to a quotation released by the White House.

"This was a screw up that could have been disastrous," the president said during a meeting in the White House situation room, according to the White House media office. "We dodged a bullet but just barely. It was averted by brave individuals not because the system worked and that is not acceptable. While there will be a tendency for finger pointing, I will not tolerate it." [Source: Reuters] Reporting by Patricia Zengerle, editing by Bill Trott | Tuesday, January05, 2010