Wednesday, January 13, 2010

24-hour Guard on Hate Cleric Anjem Choudary: Police 'Fury' Over Security Patrols

MAIL ONLINE: Hate preacher Anjem Choudary is being given round-the-clock police protection following his controversial threat to march through Wootton Basset, the Daily Mail can reveal.

Even though the extremist cleric has now called off plans to stage the protest, carrying empty coffins through the town where Britain honours its war dead, he still receives hourly security checks at his East London home.

Metropolitan police officers have been told to give his protection priority above other local policing jobs such as muggings, theft and foot patrols.

The protection was revealed after Home Secretary Alan Johnson yesterday banned Choudary's Islam4UK group, making it a criminal offence to be a member.

As Choudary held a press conference to react to the ban, patrol cars and unmarked vehicles were still instructed to drive past his empty £320,000 rented home - which is funded by council benefits.

Officers tasked with carrying out these patrols have privately expressed their fury at being diverted away from what they regard as 'proper policing'.

But the Metropolitan Police's counter-terrorism unit fears a far-Right group may be plotting an attack on the fanatic.

Their concerns intensified after a Facebook campaign against the march attracted the support of more than 250,000 Britons and led to threats against Choudary's life. >>> Emily Andrews, Rebecca Camber and Claire Ellicott | Tuesday, January 12, 2010