Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Attention! Achtung! Now It’s Catholics. Next It Will Be Muslims! Brown Is Just Plain Stupid – and Treasonous! Gordon Brown Opens Way for End to Ban on Monarchs Marrying Catholics

THE TELEGRAPH: Gordon Brown has paved the way for sweeping changes to the 300-year-old law which prevents Roman Catholics ascending to the throne.

The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. Photograph: The Telegraph

Offensive, offensive, all these days is offensive! – © Mark

Mr Brown has made it clear he also wants to change the rule of primogeniture, which prevents women taking their place ahead of men in the line to the throne.

The Prime Minister will travel to a Commonwealth summit in Trinidad today and will raise the controversial issue fellow heads of government.

Last night he was urged to move now to stop discrimination against women and Catholics from becoming the monarch.

Evan Harris, a Liberal Democrat MP, said: “All parties in the House had agreed that discrimination against princesses and Catholic spouses is not justified, and that the language in the Act of Settlement is offensive. >>> Andrew Porter, Political Editor | Wednesday, November 25, 2009