Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Another Stitch-up That'll Let Off Blair Once Again

MAIL ONLINE: As the great and the good of the Chilcot inquiry began their earnest deliberations yesterday, one conclusion could be drawn before a single person had said a single word: Tony Blair will get away with it. Again.

The man who led Britain into five wars in his first six years in Downing Street, the man who manipulated and massaged the evidence to suit the needs of a simpleton friend in George W. Bush has emerged completely unscathed from the Iraq conflict.

Since the war in 2003, every new revelation, every new accusation, has met the same the slithery response - 'I did what I thought was right at the time.'

Rather than feeling chastened, he has strutted the world stage, pretending to bring peace to the Middle East (which remains as elusive as it has ever been) and portraying himself as the saviour of the European Union.

When he is not preening himself across the globe, he is spending the millions he has made from his consultancies and showbusiness lectures on grand country estates and fine furniture.

This latest inquiry, established with great reluctance by Gordon Brown, comes far too late in the day to make any political difference. And the sad truth is that Blair has all the impunity he needs.

We have, after all, been here before. >>> John Kampfner | Wednesday, November 25, 2009