Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Spunky French Show Spineless British the Way Forward

MAIL ONLINE: France is to launch a hard-hitting campaign aimed at 'reaffirming pride' in the country and combating Islamic fundamentalism.

As well as providing civic lessons for adults - including classes about the country's Christian history and liberal political institutions - the government will encourage school children to sing the national anthem at least once a year.

In words which are certain to infuriate ethnic minority groups, Immigration Minister Eric Besson even suggested that 'foreigners' should learn to speak better French.

His proposed measures contrast sharply with the situation in Britain where 'citizenship education' centres on multicultural diversity and the European Union, while 'God Save The Queen' is not even taught in schools.

In an interview broadcast on national TV, Mr Besson said : 'It's necessary to reaffirm the values of national identity and the pride of being French.

'I think, for example, that it would be good for all young French people to have the chance to sing The Marseillaise at least once a year.'

Mr Besson, who was himself born in the former French protectorate of Morocco, also suggested an immediate two-month long 'great debate on national identity' entitled 'What does it mean to be French?'

Making clear that radical Islam was a threat, Mr Besson said: 'In France, the nation and the republic remain the strongest ramparts against ... fundamentalist tendencies. France is diversity, and France is unity.' France to Launch National Pride Campaign in Battle Against Islamic Fundamentalism >>> Peter Allen | Monday, October 26, 2009