Monday, October 26, 2009

Ministers Back Blair as Best Man to Lead EU

David Miliband said that a Blair presidency would be 'very good for Britain as well as very good for Europe'. Photo: Times Online

TIMES ONLINE: Tony Blair should be made head of a stronger European Union that would be able to compete with China and the United States on the world stage, the Foreign Secretary said yesterday.

David Miliband said that the new EU president needed to be someone who “stopped the traffic” in Washington and Beijing and was guaranteed the highest access to world leaders.

With EU leaders preparing to start talking about Mr Blair’s prospects this week, his supporters have begun a sustained campaign to showcase the advantages he would bring to the role. The behind the scenes battle is becoming increasingly fraught, with some of the smaller EU countries combining in a “Stop Blair” effort. So far he is the only politician to be backed publicly for the role. >>> Philip Webster, Political Editor and David Charter in Brussels | Monday, October 26, 2009

Stop Blair! Petition against the nomination of Tony Blair as "President of the European Union" >>>