During the course of the assembly some journalists asked him about his position regarding the "Declaration for the Universal Decriminalisation of Homosexuality" which was made official on December 19, 2008.
Ali Abdussalam Treki stated: “It is a very thorny argument. As a Muslim, I do not agree with it. I believe it is not acceptable for most of the world, and it is totally unacceptable for our tradition and religion”.
Roberto Malini, Matteo Pegoraro and Dario Picciau, co-Presidents of EveryOne Group, the international human rights organisation, say: “Ali Abdussalam Treki made a very serious statement which cannot in any way be justified. Like every other Member of the General Assembly, the President has a duty to represent the principles and the aims of the United Nations, according to the Charter adopted on June 26, 1945 in San Francisco with its respect for Human Rights and
fundamental freedom for all the human beings (art. 1).
In fact, with such a declaration, the president of the General Assembly has legitimised the violence, the imprisonment and the death penalty for thousands of homosexual people all over the world. >>> | Friday, September 25, 2009