Saturday, July 11, 2009

Digger’s Opinion: Michelle Obama Is Not A Trend Setter And Not Particularly Attractive In Any Way

DIGGERS REALM: I'm about sick of the media's attempts to make Michelle Obama out to be some world trend setter or some overly attractive woman. I find her fashion sense unappealing to her body shape and size and I don't particularly find her attractive in any way. There it has been said. Something that it seems many are afraid to state openly for fear of being called a racist. As with immigration, this as well has nothing to do with race and everything to do with lies.

I'm not usually one to denigrate someone based on their looks, but I've had about enough of this bullshit about how gorgeous Michelle Obama is and the truth must be spoken. I won't go as far as saying "You can put lipstick on a pig...", but you can do a "glamor shot" of anyone after spending 3 hours putting makeup on them and portray them as something they are not. I believe this "false face" mentality is part of why this country is falling apart. >>> Digger | Undated